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Frozen Throne Rules

Frozen Throne is a free server and blizzlike server; in order to guarantee the correct development of the game and the peaceful coexistence between the players, it is necessary to abide by the rules.

Those who play on this server are directly bound by these rules.

These rules apply to both private messages and game chat.

All your actions are monitored by the Staff, in case of disputes there are game LOGs, which will allow the implementation of the measures at any time.

By creating an account and then playing on this server you have automatically consented to this regulation, as specified when registering on the forum.

In the event that a player is found talking about or advertising other servers, the following measures may apply:

- Delevel
- Ban
- Delete Total

If, on the other hand, the player is caught not respecting the rules of the server, the following sanctions and punishments will be applied:


Blasphemy: -5/-10 levels to ban or delete account.

Insults: Given the nature of the insult, from -3 to -15 levels plus ban accounts from 3 days to a week up to delete account.

Use of hack : from delete character to delete account
Depending on the hack used, the optionally applied replacement penalty can be from -20 to -40 levels.
Bug Abusing (pve): -10/-25 levels, reset talents and remove drops even if they occurred previously.
Bug Abusing (pvp): -5/-15 levels, reset talents and possibly reset honor and kill.

Double Account: immediate deletion of the account if not reported in the appropriate post with the consent of the admin.

Insulting or disrespecting staff: -20 levels to delete account.

Regulation World

1) It is absolutely forbidden to offend players and/or staff members in any way, to curse and/or use bad language.

2) It is not recommended to kill NPCs of your own faction by lowering your reputation with it. (GMs can't restore it)

3) GMs cannot restore "lost" honor, items, skills, or reputation.

4) Frozen Throne is a PvP server, therefore an enemy, weak or strong, must be killed as it represents a threat to the city and/or outposts of one's own faction.

5) Using unknown bugs is tantamount to bug abuse, aggravated by failure to report it to the staff (BUG-ABUSE)


GMs (Game Masters) CANNOT:

1) Help players by guiding them in solving or completing quests. (If these do not fall within the class of the main enterprises of Class).

2) Teleport the Char (except on certain occasions).

3) Give money to a Char.

4) Teaching spells or raising skills to a Char (except for problems).

5) Modify the world.

6) Accept requests for help other than from tickets.

7) Help or in any way interact with your account player.

8) Sell, trade or place items in auction.

9) Giving items (except on certain occasions).

GMs (Game Masters) can:

1) Help Char fallen into bugs.

2) Fix occasional problems that happened to your character.

3) Remove spells and abilities from Char with spells or abilities that do not suit their character (the decision is up to the GM).

4) Check the players' play and compliance with the rules.

5) Enforce discipline within the server, through punishments and reprimands to players who do not follow the rules or netiquette.

In examining the particular infraction the admin and co-admin can decide whether a rule can be changed or modified, even in single or isolated cases, unless such a decision goes against the principles of the server.


In order to make the regular functioning of the ticket system efficient, the Char are required to:

1) Try to create a ticket with as much information as possible.

2) Avoid soliciting personal favors.

3) Avoid writing bullshit. (ex: Tizio's ticket I urgently need a GM.. I can't finish a mission...)

4) It is forbidden to clog the ticket system

5) If you need to report a quest subject to a bug, the ticket is not necessary, the report on the bug-traker is enough .



A GM is prohibited from helping players kill any NPCs or Bosses.

- Therefore any player request to kill and/or lower the life of any Boss/NPC even if supported by screens that prove this fact before any accidental accessories (such as server crashes, loops , etc ), it must be IGNORED.

Tickets received for these reasons will be punishable with sanctions at the discretion of the GM.

A GM must not in any way (directly or indirectly) interact with his or her Player account characters.

- Should it fall into bugs, etc., it will have to wait for the intervention of the Co-admin. This is to avoid ANY suspicion towards the aforementioned GM.

- A GM is STRICTLY prohibited from keeping any other account logged in when logged in with the GM account

- A GM can only have one character in the GM account.


It is forbidden to make tickets that do not detail the character's problems.

- Tickets like "A GM come here" or "help me!" they will be promptly deleted and the author, if a repeat infraction of the rule, may be punished at the discretion of the GM.

A GM must IN NO WAY provide evidence of infractions he sanctions.

His judgment is unquestionable and absolute and can only be questioned by Admin and Co-Admin, who in any case will NEVER have to explain to the players.

You cannot have more than one account per person and family members who play from the same place and/or connection will have to authorize via the multibox management system in Account Management.

- If multiple accounts linked to the same connection are found, these will be Blocked/Cancelled at the administrator's discretion.

The Admin can reserve the right not to respect or change the rules at any time!

To those who play without knowing the rules, a GM can apply a penalty of -10lv!